Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Add Google Analytics code on blogger blogs

Some of my friends were asking my help for adding Google Analytic code on their blogs. So friends, here it is.

Grab Your Google Analytics Code Block
  1. Login to Google Analytics at The main Settings page loads.
  2. Click on Add Website Profile. A form displays.
  3. Select Add a Profile for a New Domain.
  4. Enter the URL of your site or blog.
  5. Select your country and time zone. Click Finish.
  6. Analytics provides you with a code block - a swatch of HTML - to add to your site's pages.
  7. Highlight the code block and then copy it by selecting Edit > Copy or Ctrl-C or Command-C.
Add the Google Analytics Code Block to Your Blogger Blog
  1. Login to The Dashboard loads.
  2. Under the blog you want to add Analytics tracking to, click on Layout or Template.
  3. Click on Edit HTML. An editing screen for your blog template's HTML displays. Don't freak out. Just scroll to the bottom.
  4. Look for the end of the template. It'll look like:

  5. <!-- end outer-wrapper -->
    (Google Analytics Code Block is going to go here!!!)
    </div> </div>

  6. Put your cursor right before that tag.
  7. Paste the Google Analytics Code Block by selecting Edit > Paste, Ctrl -V or Command-V.
  8. Click Save Changes.
You have now added the Google Analytics Code Block to Your Blogger Blog.

Check Your Work
  1. To ensure that you have successfully added the Google Analytics Code Block to your Blogger blog, go back to
  2. Next to your blog's URL it will say either Receiving Data (you were successful) or Tracking Not Installed (something is amiss).
  3. If it said Tracking Not Installed, click on Check Status. Google then checks your blog for the Analytics Code Block and reports back if it find it or not.
  4. If not, try re-pasting the Code Block in.
Update: How to retrieve your tracking code:

1. Log in to your Google Analytics account.
2. From the Analytics Settings page, find the profile for which you would like to retrieve the tracking code. Please note that tracking code is profile-specific.
3. From that profile’s Actions column, click ‘Edit.’
4. Above the top right-hand side of the Main Website Profile Information box, click ‘Check Status.’
5. Your tracking code can be copied and pasted from the text box in the “Instructions for adding tracking” section.

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